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“Find your passion and you’ll find your purpose.”
I have heard these words of wisdom many times over the past several years. They are meant to inspire and motivate. But for me, they felt heavy and would give me anxiety.
Purpose is something I have wrestled with. I’ve asked myself: “What is it that I love to do? What was I born to do? What fulfills me?” To help find the answer, I was told to make a list of my natural abilities and skills. That would really stress me out. I don’t know what I do well. I’m pretty average at anything I do. Is average good enough?
I was fortunate enough to stay home with my two boys when they were growing up. They are now adults, and in this new phase of life I have a lot of alone time. I don’t mean that I am lonely. I’m not. But I have plenty of time to think about this purpose thing.
I’m passionate about many things. I’m passionate about my relationship with Jesus and my family, good espresso, a tough workout, banana pudding, moose tracks ice cream, warm weather, early mornings, and Nordstrom. Can my purpose be found in any of these things?
Work that results from a passion brings fulfillment and is a gift of God. In Ecclesiastes 2:24 King Solomon says, “So, I decided there is nothing better than to enjoy food and drink and to find satisfaction in work. Then I realized that these pleasures are from the hand of God.”
There is not much that I know for sure. But one thing I truly believe, is that I was created by God (Genesis 1:26). I was created to love Him and others (Matthew 22:37-39), to live for His honor (Isaiah 43:21), and to tell others about Him (Matthew 28:19-20). All the other things in life are temporary. Only God and people last forever.
Maybe I’ll be fortunate enough to find work doing something I am passion about. Something that I can even live out my purpose doing. But I will remember that my true purpose is found in the One who knew me before the creation of the world. Who loved me before I could conceive of loving Him.
Do you struggle with knowing your purpose? I’d love to hear from you.